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What to look for in summer

Editeur :
2 disques compacts (46, 55 min)
Le groupe écossais propose ici un live qui comporte 23 titres, tous enregistrés lors de leur prédécente tournée estivale aux Etats-Unis en 2019, ainsi qu'au festival The Boaty Weekender.
Note Générale : Enregistré en public Enregistré en anglais
Note Contenu : The song of the Clyde. Dirty dream NÊ2. Step into my office, baby. We were beautiful. Seeing other people. If she wants me. Beyond the sunrise. Wrapped up in books. Little Lou, Ugly jack, Prophet John. Nice day for a sulk. I can see your future. Funny little frog. The fox in the snow. If you're feeling sinister. My wandering days are over. The wrong girl. Stay loose. The boy done wrong again. Poor boy. Dog on wheels. The boy with the arab strap. I didn't see it coming. Belle and Sebastian