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Verviers Libre accès - adultes 821-3_ENG PRAS Disponible
Auteurs :
Année de parution :
''Extraordinary'' Naoise Dolan ''Seriously good'' Louise Nealon Dublin student life is ending for Sophie and her friends. They''ve got everything figured out, and Sophie feels left behind as they all start to go their separate ways. She''s overshadowed by her best friend Grace. She''s been in love with Finn for as long as she''s known him. And she''s about to meet Rory, who''s suddenly available to her online. At a party, what was already unstable completely falls apart and Sophie finds herself obsessively scrolling social media, waiting for something (anything) to happen. None of This Is Serious is about the uncertainty and absurdity of being alive today. It''s about balancing the real world with the online, and the vulnerabilities in yourself, your relationships, your body. At its heart, this is a novel about the friendships strong enough to withstand anything.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (304 p.) : 21 x 13 cm
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