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Capablanca's Hundred Best Games of Chess

Editeur :
Année de parution :
1 vol. (xvi-270 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
"The games of Capablanca," says Mr Golombek, "have serenity, a lucid crystal clarity, a type of model perfection present in no other master ... This simplicity of perfection was the product of supreme art. Playing through a Capablanca game and fully understanding it after close study constitues a liberal education in the art of chess. For this reason, I have found it necessary to annotate the games as exhaustively as was within my power. With Capablanca every move is significant and his games will reward the closest study by the freshness and clear beauty of the conceptions they contain... Has any other player the chess world has yet seen produced such a mass of games impregnated by that inner logical harmony that to my mind consitutes the essential quality of the great game of chess?"
Note Générale : Index