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Bored teenagers

Collection :
1 disque compact
Note Générale : Enregistré en anglais
Note Contenu : London/The Xtensions, ens. voc. & instr. Hard addict/The Xtensions, ens. voc. & instr. Leave us alone/The Xtensions, ens. voc. & instr. Suck it and see/The Xtensions, ens. voc. & instr. Put a bag on your head/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. Baby, baby, baby, baby/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. Love/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. X-Ray eyes/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. You do too much talking/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. Oxford Street/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. Drofxo teerts/The Mystery Girls, ens. voc. & instr. TV kids (demo)/The Media, ens. voc. & instr. Just for you (demo)/The Media, ens. voc. & instr. Don't sit back/The Media, ens. voc. & instr. Back on the beach/The Media, ens. voc. & instr. Don't stare/St Matilda's Boys, ens. voc & instr. Polyfilla/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Who are you ?/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Living in Langley/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Thieving bitch/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Silicon chip/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Style & fashion/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Play in a day/Snyde, ens. voc & instr. Down by the river (in where i lost my baby)/The Famous Men, ens. voc. & instr. New strain/The Famous Men, ens. voc. & instr. It's not me/The Famous Men, ens. voc. & instr. What's the point ?/The Famous Men, ens. voc. & instr.