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Rook v. Minor Piece Endings - Complete Chess Endings

Complete Chess Endings
Editeur :
Année de parution :
1 vol. (162 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
Rock v. Minor Piece Endings is the sixth volume to appear of Averbak's greats classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly established a world-wide reputation - these are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him during his world championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on rook v. minor piece endgames ever published. Every one of the 312 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is then that any player without the most authoritative work to refer puts himseld at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points.
Note Générale : Index .- Errata