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Najdorf Variation
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The Sicilian Flank Game presents the Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence, one of the most challenging and rewarding of defences. The characteristic moved were first developed bu the Czechs into a vigorous sytem of counterplay, which undermines the White centre by operations on the queen's flank. In the hands of the Argentinian Miguel Najdorf, and of other leading grandmasters, notably Robert J. Fischer, it has become a formidable weapon in top-level chess. This study by a renowned internation grandmaster and writer classifies and analyses all the variations and demonstrates not only background strategy and tactics of the Njdorf but also the consequent middle and end game phases.
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Collection :
Contemporary Chess Openings
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (X-112 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Alexander Kotov, one of the most robust attacking players of the twentieth century, came second in his first appearance in the Soviet Championship in 1939 and shared the first place with Bronstein in 1948. In his international debut in Holland in 1946, he beat both Botvinnik and Euwe. His greatest success was his overwhelming victory in the 1952 Interzonal. Recentlyy he has devoted this time to chess organisation and writing.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (221 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Importance matérielle :
475 p.
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One of the great chess masters of all time provides a systematic guide that tells the beginner how to become an accomplished chess player. While many books on chess are either for the novice or for the advanced student, A Primet of Chess is invaluable for its clear instruction at various levels of the game. The book is divided into three sections. Part I discusses the object of the game, the men and their moves, elementary openings, and rules and ethics. Part II considers endings, the middle game, and openings? By the time the reader has reached Part III he should find himself an adept player.
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Collection :
A Harvest/HBJ Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (VI - 281 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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Readers of his earlier books will know that the Russian grandmaster has always put great emphasis on understanding, planning and training. Success in chess, as in any sport, depends on hard work as well as talent. In this new book Kotov looks at the ways in which grandmasters prepare for different aspects of the game and shows how current Soviet training methods can help the club or tournament player of whatever strength. As in his earlier books, Kotov tackles the great problems and challenges of chess head on, and succeeds in producing a thoroughly practical book, pithily written.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (124 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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The Club Player's Library
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With the remarkable increase in the number of tournaments and weekend congresses over the last decade, the understanding of the Laws of Chess, and the way they work in practice, is of paramount importance to all chess players. To date, organisers and participants have had no authority to which they could refer but this gap has now been gilled bu Bozidar Kazic, the Chief Arbiter of FIDE, with contributions from Dragutin Djaja, Arpad Elo and Martin Morrison. The book also inclusdes a detailed explanation of the FIDE Rating System and the method bu which International Titles are awarded and all controllers will benefit from the thorough coverage afforded to the various forms of the Swiss System and other tournament systems.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
The Club Player's Library
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (ix-229 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Contemporary Chess endings
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Bishop Endings is the fourth volume to appear of Averbak's greats classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly established a world-wide reputation - these are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him during his world championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on rook v. minor piece endgames ever published. Every one of the 370 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is then that any player without the most authoritative work to refer puts himseld at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points.
Editeur :
Collection :
Contemporary Chess endings
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (viii-167 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Complete Chess Endings
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Rock v. Minor Piece Endings is the sixth volume to appear of Averbak's greats classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly established a world-wide reputation - these are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him during his world championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on rook v. minor piece endgames ever published. Every one of the 312 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is then that any player without the most authoritative work to refer puts himseld at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
Complete Chess Endings
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (162 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Queen and Pawn Endings is the second volume to appear of Averbakh's great classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly estblished a world-wide reputation. These are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him for use during his World Championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on queen and pawn endgames ever published. Every one of the 268 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is even then that any player without the most authoritative reference work puts himself at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points. Queen and Pawn Endings can help to solve a player's adjournment problems..
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (vi-137 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Knight Endings is the fifth volume to appear of Averbakh's great classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly established a world-wide reputation -- these are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him during his world championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on knight endgames ever published. Every one of the 267 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is then that any played without the most authoritative work to refer to puts himself at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (vii-133 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Année de parution :
Grivory Levenfisch, the international and Soviet grandmaster, was one of the key Russian chess-teachers responsible for the current Soviet supremacy ; he was USSR champion in 1937. Ex-world Champion Vasily Smyslov, who has revised and added to the original work, is still one of the world's leading grandmasters and amongst the greatest endgame players of all time.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (224 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Contemporary Chess Endings
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Bishop v. Knight Endings is the third volume to appear of Averbak'hs great classic series on the endgame. The original Russian edition quickly established a world-wide reputation - these are the endgame books that Fischer had sent to him during his world championship match. The English translation has been updated and is by far the most complete work on bishop v. knighte endgames ever published. Every one of the 325 examples has its own diagram. In both matches and tournaments, games are often adjourned at the moment that the ending is reached. It is then that any player without the most authoritative work to refer puts himseld at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points.
Editeur :
Collection :
Contemporary Chess endings
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (vii-165 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Club Player's Library
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In a series of twelve 'lessons', grandmaster O'Kelly shows you how you can improve your play to become an expert. Grandmater Alberic O'Kelly de Galway is a renowned chess teacher. At the chessboard he has had many tournament victories. He is the author of a number of books on chess, inclusing Assess Your Chess Fast. This is a correspondance course in book form. The material was devised to meet the needs of grandmaster O'Kelly's students. This is almost a guarantee of quick progress and increase in strength to the eager pupil who wishes to improve his chess. The result of your progress, however, depends on your own efforts; but do no hurry and rush, do not run before you can walk.
Editeur :
Collection :
Club Player's Library
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (206 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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In the ending of the advantage of a single "insignifiant" pawn can frequently prove decisive, as that pawn inexorably pushes forward and is finally able to reach the last rank and transform itself into a queen. Despite this basic fact of chess that any beginner knows, pawn, endgames are usually played very badly. The present work, already established as a classic in its Russian edition, is by far the most complete work on pawn endgames ever published. Containing no less than 911 examples, it will prove invaluable both to the student of chess and to the practical player. In both match and tournament games there is usually an adjournment at about the time that the ending is reached. It is then that any player without the most authoritative reference work puts himseld at a great disadvantage and is in danger of throwing away both half and whole points. Pawn Endings could solve a player's adjournment problems.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (X-318 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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Massacre in Merano
Année de parution :
When Viktor Korchnoi lost by the narrowest of margins to Anatoly Karpov in Baguio City in 1978, many experts thought it would be his last attempt at the World Championship. However, at the age of 50, he again fought his way through several bitter clashed to earn the right to challenge for a crown he has so eagerly sought since defecting from the USSR in 1976. The failure of this attempts to obtain the release of his wife and son would obviously affect his play for this match and yet he has smashed through previous encounters with Petrosian and Poluhayevsky spurred on by this hatred for the soviet regime. Karpov, at 30, becam World Champion when Bobby Fischer refused to defend his title in 1975, and has been one of the most active and successful World Champions ever, winning almost every top level tournament in which he has played. Grandmaster Raymond Keene is uniquely placed to write this gripping account of the "revenge" match in Merano. He was Korchnoi's second at the last World Championship match but his relationship with the challenger soured amid bitter altercations about gurus, and the sinister Soviet parapsychologist Zukhar which caused his subsequent resignation. He now provides the answer to Anti-Chess, Korchnoi's own embittered account of the previous match.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (VI-122 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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Alexander Alekhine, one of the all-time chess greats (comparable perhaps only with Lasker, Capablanca, Botvinnik and Fischer) has long been known to the chess public from his games, but his personality and life story have rarely been written about. The Soviet grandmaster Alexander Kotov is an expert on Alekhine, having published five books in the USSR about him. The present work represents a synthesis of all the work Kotov has done.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Book
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (vi-218 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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minor piece endings
complete Chess Endings
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Queen v rook/Minor Piece Endings is the seventh volume to be translated from Yuri Averbakh's classic series in Russian on the endings and then updated. It deals with endings in which the queen is matched against rook, knight or bishop, with or without pawns. It is by far the most complete work on the subject ever to be published. Yuri Averbakh, international grandmaster, who master-minded the series in the 1950's, is a leading UUSR chess organiser. Ken Neat, who has competed in the last two British championships, has translated three of the earlier volumes and a number of other Batsford chess books.
Editeur :
Collection :
Complete Chess Endings
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (174 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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