Échecs (jeu)
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Auteurs :
Année de parution :
Editeur :
Collection :
Les "Comment" de l'Echiquier
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (270 p.) : ill. : 19 cm
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as developed in the games of its greatest exponent
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Nimzovich was the man who revolutionized modern chess. Disregarding many of the most strongly entrenched analyses of the past, he approached the game with new insights and evolved many positional studies based on unusual and deceptived principles. He was, as is true of most innovators, met with a solid wall of opposition by the advocates of traditional play until it became obvious that Nimzovich was winning and winning brilliantly against the finest exponents of the older style. Since then his play has been acknowledged to be among the very finest of this century and its influence of chess theory can hardly be exaggerated.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (VIII - 221 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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Auteurs :
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Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (X- 226 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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Auteurs :
A brillantly clear introduction to the game and its basic principles by a supreme champion. Within the covers of a single volume Capablance has expounded simply, clearly, and concisely all the essentials of successful chess. The illustratrive games in Part II have been specially chosen to demonstrate the finer points of strategy and tactics employed in master play.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (VII - 184 p.) : ill. : 19 cm
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a Chess Treatise
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In this famous book Nimzowitsch describes the system which he worked out for himself to combat the ideas of the old school and which he developed with so much success.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (XVI- 265 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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Auteurs :
Année de parution :
Editeur :
Collection :
Bibliothèque échiquéenne
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (96 p.) : ill. : 18 cm
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une initiation claire et rapide
Sports et jeux
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Echec, mat et relax ! Rien de tel que les échecs contre l'agitation, les tracas et la fatigue ... Ce roi des jeux développe l'attention, la concentration et la mémoire. De plus, il vous permet de briller en société. Atteignez donc rapidement la maîtrise, grâce à la méthode que vous présente Marabout - Flash.
Editeur :
Collection :
; Sports et jeux
Marabout flash
Importance matérielle :
1 vol (155 p.) : ill. : 12cm
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Najdorf Variation
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The Sicilian Flank Game presents the Najdorf Variation of the Sicilian Defence, one of the most challenging and rewarding of defences. The characteristic moved were first developed bu the Czechs into a vigorous sytem of counterplay, which undermines the White centre by operations on the queen's flank. In the hands of the Argentinian Miguel Najdorf, and of other leading grandmasters, notably Robert J. Fischer, it has become a formidable weapon in top-level chess. This study by a renowned internation grandmaster and writer classifies and analyses all the variations and demonstrates not only background strategy and tactics of the Njdorf but also the consequent middle and end game phases.
Editeur :
Collection :
Contemporary Chess Openings
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (X-112 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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conseils et fins de parties
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Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (100-4p.) : ill. : 19 cm
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eine Studie über die Entwicklung des Schachdenkens vom Jahre 1600 bis heute ; mit einem Anhang: Schach mit dem Computer
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Année de parution :
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (108 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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The famous book that shows how the historical development of chess style parallels the development of the individual chess player
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Année de parution :
In this classic of chess literature, Dr. Max Euwe, former Chess Champion of the World, has selected and annotated great games -- from Greco to Spassky -- to demonstrate the elements of chess. The book's theme is based on the insight that each player develops his or her chess abilities in a way roughly parallel to the stylistic development of chess as played since the seventeenth century.
Editeur :
Collection :
Tartan Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (152 p.) : ill. : 20 cm
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