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Échecs (jeu)

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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 EUWE En réserve
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Année de parution :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol (LI-223 p.) : ill. : 24 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 LASKER En réserve
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Année de parution :
Here is a highly engaging book for the chess enthusiast who likes to read about the game as well as play it. The author is one of his century's leading chess masters, and he writes about the game with the same zest, grace, and skill he has always shown in playing it. As a lover of the game for its own stake, Mr. Lasker has incisive comments on such matters as whether chess is a defensible usage of one's time, whether it develops skills that are applicable to life, the importance of understanding basic principles of chess play rather than memorizing sets of moves, chess as a form of art, qualities are indispensable to a good chess player.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (224 p.) : ill. : 22 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 ZNOSKO En réserve
Année de parution :
With this book, all one needs to know are the fundamental rules of chess and ordinary chess notation in order to gain a thorought understanding of the all-important opening game in its many variations. Simply, clearly, and with keen appreciation of the amateur's usual limitations. Internation Grandmaster Znosko-Borovsky explains the importance of rapid development of the pieces, occupation of the center, the relation of the opening to the general plan of the player, and the significiance of control of the center.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (147 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 LASKER En réserve
with 308 diagrams
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Année de parution :
Emanuel Lasker was probably the greatest chess player of modern times. Certainly no man has ever held the world championship longer -- 28 years -- or kept his powers so long. In his sixties, Lasker began what amounted to a fresh career in chess by playing his first serious game in ten years, and defeating the man who was the following year to become himself world champions : Max Euwe. The secret behind his extraordinary abilities may perhaps be found in Lasker's wide knowledge of every phase of the game, and his ability to be independant of schools or fashions. This knowledge is reflected in the "Manual of Chess", making it one of the great studies of the game, acclaimed by the chess world almost from the day it appeared. The book is one of the most thorough studies ever written, and though its main appeal is to the intermediate to skilled player, it begins its explanations at a level which can be understood by the beginner. Lasker analyzes basic methods of gaining advantages, exchange value of pieces, combinations, position play, the aestehetics of chess, and almost every other important aspect of the game. He examines dozens of differents openings, including the Petroff Defense, the Hungarian Defense, King's Bishop, Ponziani, Guoco Piano, and Four Knighs' Game. He constantly illustrates his discussions with games played by the great modern masters. Lasker is always delightful reading, revealing a mind as quick to entertain and philosophize as it is to explain.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (xxxix-349 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources Loisirs, Sports et Bien-être - Réserve 794.4 KOTOV En réserve
Année de parution :
Alexander Kotov, one of the most robust attacking players of the twentieth century, came second in his first appearance in the Soviet Championship in 1939 and shared the first place with Bronstein in 1948. In his international debut in Holland in 1946, he beat both Botvinnik and Euwe. His greatest success was his overwhelming victory in the 1952 Interzonal. Recentlyy he has devoted this time to chess organisation and writing.
Editeur :
Collection :
Batsford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (221 p.) : ill. : 23 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources Loisirs, Sports et Bien-être - Réserve 794.4 FINE En réserve
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Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (277 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 ALEKHINE En réserve
Année de parution :
Alexander Alekhine was World Chess Champion for over sixteen years. He was not only one of the greatest players of all time but also one of the finest annotators. During World War II there was little opportunity for serious chess but Alekhine, living in Spain, continued to write about the game. The games in this book are the result, edited and translated into English for the first time by E. G. Winter. Many of the games were specially annotated as part of a teaching course of the prodigy, Arturito Pomar, and Alekhine himself claimed in the introduction to Gran Ajedrez that they contain some of his best analysis. Patiently, he guides the reader through the intricacies of theses fascinating battles and, with thoroughness, clarity, and humour, explains positions as complicated as any that have been seen on the chess board.
Collection :
Oxford Chess Books
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (256 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 BOTVINNIK En réserve
Année de parution :
Collection :
Understanding the Chess Openings
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (XVIII,-371 p.) : ill. : 21 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 ZNOSKO En réserve
Année de parution :
Every player knows that the middle game is the least understood part of chess. Unlike the specific moves and responses of the opening, or the end game's indicated strategies for given pieces, the middle game takes the player into uncharted waters and tests his abilities to the outmost. Beginning and intermediate players in need of a trustworthy guide would do well to consider this classic book. Its clarity and solid theory make it one of the best guides available.
Editeur :
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (220 p). : ill. : 22 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources Loisirs, Sports et Bien-être - Réserve 794.4 BENOIT Demande de transfert
Auteurs :
Année de parution :
Michel Benoit, champion de France, vous présente dans LES ECHECS les secrets et les avantages d'une méthode absolument inédite, qui vous permettra de partir à la découverte simplifiée, rapide et claire d'un jeu fascinant.
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Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (63 p.) : ill. : 18 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources 794.4 GONNEAU En réserve
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Année de parution :
Apprendre à jouer aux échecs, seul ou avec un animateur, tout en vous divertissant, est devenu possible : de jeu en exercice, d'exercice en jeu, vous progresserez suffisamment vite pour, dès la fin de ces jeux et exercices, porter le titre de joueur d'échecs.
Collection :
[Jeunes joueurs d'échecs]
Importance matérielle :
1 vol. (60-[10] p) : ill. : 22 cm
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B3 Centre de ressources En préparation
Auteurs :
Année de parution :
Excellente initiation au jeu d'échecs, claire et fondée sur une progression pédagogique raisonnable.
Editeur :
Collection :
[Jeunes joueurs d'échecs]
Importance matérielle :
127 p. : ill., couv. ill. en coul. : 22 cm
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